Interactive Venue Planner (iVep)
~ Pricing
Cost Estimate
We recognize that each venue or event facility is unique and each have their own unique requirements or specifications they wish to include with their iVep. Because of this, it is very difficult to provide general pricing with any degree of accuracy. Below, are some of the elements to the iVep that has an impact on costs.
If interested in receiving detailed pricing for your unique facility, please contact us. Upon reviewing your existing floor plans and understanding your needs, we can provide you with very accurate pricing including options, usually within 24 hours.
Impacting Cost
While costs are minimally affected by the Venue size, cost are impacted by:
Number of levels,
Number of meeting rooms,
Number of meeting rooms that partition,
Complexity of partitioning meeting rooms,
Floor plan complexity,
Number of meeting room 'Use' types,
Level of detail on both the 3D and 2D floor plans,
Quality of referencing materials, i.e., floor plans and capacity charts.
Number of file types to import, i.e. Ungerboeck, custom or iMap Excel Files.
Licensing / Hosting
Annual Licensing Fees (ALF) are calculated @ 20% of the total final project delivery fee.
As part of the ALF, hosting the application, file administration, application backup, & maintenance is included to ensure the program will work as it should throughout the license period.
The ALF is adjusted annually for inflation.
Application Development
Upon delivery of the final published version, future edits or additional development and solutions may be available to the Client. The Client will receive priority access to iMap’s Administration Team and receive price proposals at iMap’s guaranteed posted hourly rate of $90 US per hour and will receive priority project scheduling by iMap’s Development Team.

Interactive Venue Planner
~ Project Delivery
Standard project development and delivery times for the interactive venue planner typically ranges between 2-5 weeks.
Impacting Timeline
Every Venue is unique and because of this it is difficult to narrow down exact project delivery times. In addition, our solution is very customizable to meeting with the needs of each Venue. While project delivery times are minimally affected by the Venue size, timing is impacted by:
Number of levels,
Number of meeting rooms,
Number of meeting rooms that partition,
Complexity of partitioning meeting rooms,
Floor plan complexity,
Number of meeting room 'Use' types,
Level of detail on both the 3D and 2D floor plans,
Quality of referencing materials, i.e., floor plans and capacity charts.
Timeline Events
The standard procedure in delivering and interactive venue planner follows these steps:
License Agreement Signing,
Client provides the following:
Existing Floor Plans,
Existing Capacity Charts,
List of USI meeting room names - if importing USI data,
List of meeting room 'Uses' and their associated colors,
Client logo in virtually any format with white background,
Username & password for log-in,
Redraft Floor Plan in vector format in 2nd week - if required,
Approval of Floor Plan provide by Client 2nd week,
3D and 2D modeling is completed in the 4th week,
All interactivity is completed in 5th week,
Published live for final approval in the 5th week,
Final interactive floor plan published live, including file admin and backup in the 5th week,
URL link provided to Client for website integration in the 5th week.
Floor Plans
The interactive floor plan application requires that a version of existing floor plans are provided to iMap. The client's exiting floor plans will be used. If the clients floor plan is not compatible, i.e. not in vector format, for an additional expense, iMap can redraft the floor plans to create a clean & simplified version of the floor plans, in a vector format for high performance and presentation.
The interactive venue planner can be branded to the extent of adding a logo. Because Arial is the most popular browser font available on most devices, that is the font used. The interactive venue planner is delivered using a white background which is universal.

Interactive Venue Planner
~ Deployment
Upon completing the interactive venue planner project and publishing for live online viewing, iMap will furnish the Client with a URL, a general Username & Password to open and view the hosted application online.
Website Integration
The interactive venue planner is meant to be used by internal staff primarily and we anticipate that it would not be made available to the general public.
The interactive venue planner is a reactive application, meaning it will present itself (scale-to-fit) to the maximum browser or iFrame window size.
Optimal Window Size
The interactive venue planner optimal window size is (w)1500px x (h)900px, or within any window size ratio w:h = 5:3 to reduce white space. Viewing in a larger window will make the interactive floor plan easier and more effective to use.
The use of the interactive venue planner is designed to be very intuitive. Training is typically not required to be very functional using the interactive venue planner. If the Client desires training for staff, additional training expenses may occur.
Data Integration
The interactive venue planner does not require live data. However, the interactive venue planner may read excel files generated from USI data. The format and structure for these excel files need to be approved by iMap.
As a web-based application, if a device is connected to the internet, there is nothing to download or install to access and view the interactive venue planner. The application will work on virtually desktops and laptops within Windows, Android and iOS operating systems, using the most popular browsers including Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari that supports Canvas Elements. Some browsers may reduce some interactive venue planner functionality.

Interactive Venue Planner
~ Technical Specifications
While there is nothing technically required for iMap’s Clients to use our applications, solutions provided by iMap are hosted, web-based and data driven applications utilizing these hardware, software, and security specifications.
Latest versions of PHP, MVC framework CodeIgniter, MySql Database or Microsoft Sql server database and Apache Http Server running on Linux OS, Debian on top of Ubuntu 2.
Front-end Development
JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Json, HTML, CSS, Adobe Animate 2020, HTML5 Canvas, ActionScript, Photoshop 2020, Autodesk 3ds Max, Specialized 3D camera producing 18 mega pixel panorama images, 360 virtual tour studio and production software.
Data and applications are backed up on an off-site server and on external hard drives.
Highest-level security using SSL 4,098-bit encryption matched at the server by SHA-256 4,098-bit encryption.