~ Frequently Asked Questions
We provide brief answers to the most commonly asked questions below. Please contact us at anytime if any question isn't answered to your satisfaction or if you have an additional question. We would be happy to talk with you.
Since 2002 iMap pioneered Interactive Floor Plans for facilities servicing the meeting & events industry. Today, iMap remains the industry leader in providing our clients with world-leading innovated interactive and visual applications that can be used independently or seamless integrated together, such as the Meeting Space Library CMS, iMap's Virtual Tours and our latest application - iMap's Venue Planner. A number of clients have remained with us for over a decade.
Yes, both the Interactive Floor Plan and Virtual Tour have many overlapping features and benefits. You would use the Interactive Floor Plan instead of the Virtual Tour if its important to present the entire overview of your venue, present items on each floor level, and show the flexibility of your meeting space options by partitioning meeting spaces into any configuration. You would use the Virtual Tour instead of the Interactive Floor Plan if you want the ability to visually walk through and show the ambience of the venue. Because both solutions offer distinct advantages, the use of one solution does not negate the use of the other, and venues typically use both solutions together.
Q: What type of data can you import into the Interactive Venue Planner?
The Interactive Venue Planner only imports Excel files. The data within in the Excel files needs to be in a specific format. If you have a unique data set in Excel - let us take a look at it and we'll let you know if we can work with it. We have successfully imported Excel files generated from Ungerboeck Software (USI), but in each case we will need to review the data to see if we can import it. The Interactive Venue Planner exports Event Plans in Excel, and of course we will be able to import that data automatically.
Q: Can we create Event Plans manually - without importing any data?
Yes. A large part of the development of the Interactive Venue Planner was to ensure that anyone would be able to manually create Event Plans very easily and quickly. If you look at the Interactive Venue Planner Demo - you will see how easy it is to populate your floor plans and generate a rooms list. Once your work is done, you can save your work as an Excel file. You can then reopen that file later to do more work with it.
Q: Can our Event Planning Clients review their Event Plans online using the Interactive Venue Planner and can they create their own Event Plans?
Yes, clients can review their own Event Plans online. To allow them to do this you will need to provide them a specific URL link and send them an iMap Excel file. Tell us if you want clients to be able edit or simply review Event Plans and we'll set that up for you.
Q: How can we be sure that our Event Plans are safe and can't been seen by any 3rd party?
Your Event Plans cannot be safer. We here at iMap cannot even see the work being done or know the files being saved. Nothing is saved on our system. Files are saved on your computer drives. Event Plans are not saved in the cloud and no Event Plans are accessible in the cloud.
Q: Can the Event Space Presentation Library work with both the Interactive Floor Plan and Virtual Tour?
Yes, both solutions can be deployed to dynamically open specific meeting space and setup presentation within ESP.
Q: What do we need to do to get an Interactive Floor Plan (iFP) for our Venue?
A: There is very little we need to create and provide an iFP for your Venue. If you can provide us with your capacity chart, floor plans (in any format), logo, contact number, email address, and a preferred username and password, then we have all we need to create your iFP. Of course, while creating your iFP, we'll periodically communicate together to ensure you're satisfied with the progress.
Q: What do we need to do to get Event Space Presentation Library for our Venue?
A: All we need from you is a capacity chart, logo, contact number, email address, and a preferred username and password.
Q: If we change our website or web design vendor can we still use our iMap Solutions?
A: Yes, all of iMap's solutions are capital assets. One of the many advantages of working with iMap is that our solutions are stand-alone applications that are entirely independent from your web design/development firms.
Q: How long would it take to build our venue's iMap Solutions?
A: Look for 'Delivery' information under each product tab at the top of this page. This will provide good insight into delivery times for each solution.
Q: Do we need anything technically to operate and run iMap Solutions?
A: No, our solutions are web-based that we create and manage for you. No matter what operating system, hardware or software technologies you use, iMap solutions will work in your environment.
Q: How do we launch iMap's Solutions from our website?
A: It’s incredibly easy to launch our solutions from your website. Look for 'Deployment' information under each product tab at the top of this page. This will provide good insight into how simple it is to deploy our solutions, various ways.
Q: How can we give people access to iMap's Solutions?
A: Since our solutions are web-based, its available to anyone who has a device and internet access. There is nothing to download or install - Our solutions are immediately available in virtually any browser and usable on virtually any desktop, tablets and iPhones, etc. Simply create a link to launch from; a website, an email message, a social media page, text, etc.
Q: Previously, you mentioned that floor plans (in any format) are required to build an Interactive Floor Plan, can you elaborate?
A: From virtually any floor plan format or presentation, from architectural drawings to simple 2d image files, we utilize our unique approach to convert these into iMap's well-known 3D & 2D facility overview and topographic interactive floor plans. We try to make it as easy as possible for you - just give us the floor plans you use and we'll be able to work with them.
Q: Can we manage and upload our own content for each meeting room in Event Space Presentation Library?
A: Yes. ESP comes with a very easy to use Content Manager that provides you with complete control over the capacity, dimension, descriptive data and content, images, setup diagrams, photos, Movies, 360's, PDF files, CAD files, ZIP files, and links to virtually any type of media for each meeting room and setup. To make it easier for you and to make ESP very functional from day one, we also import all your capacity chart's dimension and capacity data for each meeting space.
Q: How easy is it to use the Content Manager for the Event Space Presentation Library?
A: The Content Manage in ESP is called ESP Manager which is very easy to use. Anyone, with minimal computer skills, can work very efficiently and be fully functional in ESP Manager within 10 minutes. With ESP you're up and running right away - uploading and managing your images, diagrams and links for your meeting space.
Q: What type of files can we upload for our meeting space presentation?
A: Technically you can upload any jpg/jpeg file into ESP. If you wish to present any other type of media such as, 360's, videos, AutoCAD's, .pdf's, or any virtually any other type of multimedia for your meeting room presentation, you can simply link directly to any of these files online using ESP.
Q: Can we upload photos into ESP immediately from our mobile devices?
A: Yes. It's easy to upload images into ESP on the fly. For example, if you have an iPad or iPhone, take a picture of a rooms setup, log into ESP Manager and upload that photo right away into that room. That photo will be immediately view-able and displayed live for everyone to see.
Q: How many images, documents or multimedia items can we show for each meeting room setup?
A: The standard setting in ESP Manager allows for 4 slots in which to present your images, documents or multimedia for each meeting room's setup. However, if you wish to have more slots, we can adjust that for you, keeping in mind that this will likely have a small impact on the annual hosting.
Q: How much does iMap's Solutions cost?
A: There are structured pricing models for our solutions, based on numerous variables. We cannot provide an accurate quote here, but our solutions are very affordable. If you can provide the details of your venue, we can provide a guaranteed price quote with a 24-hour period. Look for 'Pricing' information under each product tab at the top of this page. This will provide good insight into pricing for each solution.
Q: Since you manage and host iMap's Solutions, is there a hosting fee?
A: Yes, there is an annual license fee that covers the yearly hosting and maintenance. The license fee is calculated as a standard % of the setup fee. This ensures that your solution(s) are running smoothly throughout the year.
Q: We're a CVB and we have multiple facilities and venues that need iMap's solutions. Is there a solution designed for our CVB to present multiple properties?
A: Yes, this is possible. This enterprise solution on the CVB website will have a start point showing all the participating venues of a map. Clicking a venue will open either its Interactive Floor Plan, Virtual Tour, or ESP Library. Each participating venue will have its own login to maintain its own content. The CVB will have a central search feature that searches for any event space within all participating venues. Please call us for more information.